Digital Platforms and the Global South

Reconfiguring Power Relations in the Cultural Industries Edited By Philippe Bouquillion, Christine Ithurbide, Tristan Mattelart This book addresses the issues raised by digital platforms in the Global South, with an emphasis on the cultural stakes involved. It brings together an interdisciplinary team of researchers – including political economists, socio-economists, geographers,… Lire la suite

Contemporary South Asia

Locating Digital Creative Industries in India Volume 31 Issue 2. Recent developments in digital technologies in South Asia require special attention on the restructuring of industries based on creativity, arts and culture. More specifically, powerful players from the communication industries have been at the heart… Lire la suite

Article : “Moi, ce que j’aime, c’est apprendre” : la centralité des apprentissages dans les pratiques de tricot en ligne

Emmanuelle Guittet et Vinciane Zabban, 2023, « “Moi, ce que j’aime, c’est apprendre” : la centralité des apprentissages dans les pratiques de tricot en ligne », RESET [En ligne], 12, In Technologies numériques et apprentissages, coordonné par C. Fluckiger et V. Zabban. Le tricot est un domaine de loisirs particulièrement touché… Lire la suite